Day 16, Wednesday 15th June – Barcelona!

Firstly, apologies for being so behind, and apologies that there are no photos (for the moment).  The Wifi here, although free, is problematic (no doubt why it’s free…)

Today we got up at 6.15am (yes, 6.15am. Okay, no we didn’t – we TRIED to get up at 6.15, but didn’t manage to get up until 6.45; still stupidly early in our current life!)  We left the campsite before 7.30am for the 120 odd miles to Barcelona. We’d already identified where we were going to park (the Estacion Nord) and put the route into the hands of the SatNav (not always the best idea actually..)

After a pretty uneventful drive we made it to Barcelona.  The motorbike riders in this city are kamikaze!!  Continue reading “Day 16, Wednesday 15th June – Barcelona!”